Just another WordPress.com weblog

It’s been some months I have not use WordPress. It’s kind of uncomfortable to use, edit or something…

Anyway, maybe this would be a good way come back for writing blog after Yahoo 360 stopped. I’ll be back soon…

Lỡ một lần đứng trú mưa

Finally, it’s almost 2 years for Graphic Design major. The portfolio show is coming exactly one more week, and being graduated… Many feelings for now… I feel sad and even do not want to leave Seattle and say goodbye with my roommates and classmates too… Many memories is Seattle… Suddenly, I want to cry…. Everything will have the end and nobody can do anything to stop that… I miss you guys all… especially a new friend in my life… I’ll miss you much.

Almost done

Just one more month… everything will be changed.
I need something new and refresh myself… What will I be?

Hello Spring 2010

Getting ready for the last quarter at school. Hope everything will be good.

Wishing for a good job and stay over in the U.S. for few years…

Just a wish! Anyone help me? 😦